Categories: Natural remedies

Natural Remedies for Pets

Natural Remedies for Pets

If you have a pet, then you treat it like a part of the family. And, as a part of the family, you want the best care for them that you can find. Have you ever thought of natural remedies for your pets?

Even medicine for pets can have side effects. Just like humans, we want to minimize the side effects while they are getting well. One way to do that for your pet is to opt for natural remedies to start with.

Maybe you don’t know of any natural remedies. We are going to help you with that. But, check with your veterinarian first before using any non-medicinal treatment.

Pets Remedies

* Skunk smell – Pets like cats and dogs can get into a lot of trouble while exploring in the woods. And, they do like messing with skunks. When your pet gets sprayed they will be stinky. One way to help get rid of the smell is vinegar and water. Combine vinegar and water together and rub it all over your pet. Continue to pour it on and rub in until the odor is gone. Wear gloves to keep the skunk smell off of you.

* Ear mites – It is important to keep the ears of pets clean. If you do notice mites in their ears, apply a mixture of Vitamin E and almond oil. Squeeze a few drops into their ear and massage it in. To be sure you have covered the entire ear, use cotton tip applicators to clean all areas of mites. Applying mineral oil can help keep mites away.

* Bad breath – Yes, pets can have bad breath. To stop the odor, brush their teeth. Also, feed them carrots (if carrots are part of their normal diet) to help clean their teeth.

* Itchy skin – Stop the urge to itch by giving your pet a bath in cool water. Add Epsom salt to the water to further help your pet find relief.

* Insect bites – Pet skin can become red and inflamed from insect bites. To stop them from scratching, make a paste of baking soda and water. Apply that to the affected areas.

* Urinary infection – Any infection like this is caused by bacteria. One way to kill off some of the bacteria is to increase the acidity in the urine. Feed your pet citrus juices like orange and cranberry (good for humans too) to help reduce their discomfort and the infection.

* Car sickness – Don’t feed your pet before travel. Food in the belly and motion can make them sick. Also, try putting your pet in the front seat. When they can see where they are going they can orient better. Crack the window to let in fresh air as well.

After using your remedies, always visit the veterinarian for follow up to see if your methods are working.

I hope you enjoyed this post:-Natural Remedies for Pets. For more posts concerning domesticated animals please see

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